Website Information

This website was created and is maintained by the legal team at Thomas Law Offices to inform Missouri residents about the Missouri Tort Victims’ Compensation Fund (also known as the Missouri Victims’ Fund), and the compensation residents may be entitled to if they were injured due to negligence and didn’t receive all of the funds they were eligible to receive through a verdict or settlement award due to a number of reasons.

Any information appearing here is published for general informational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice. Viewing this information does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. By calling the phone number on this website or using the form to learn more about the Missouri Tort Victims’ Compensation Fund, you will be placed in contact with a representative from Thomas Law Offices.

About Thomas Law Offices

Thomas Law Offices is a personal injury law firm with multiple office locations in the nation. One of our primary offices is located in Columbia, Missouri. The attorneys and legal team who work at our Missouri office understand the complexities of the Missouri Tort Victims’ Compensation Fund and are eager to help Missourians obtain these funds that have recently become obtainable.

Our trial lawyers have secured multiple multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements in recent years, and we make it our goal to do everything we can to help those who have been hurt or wronged by another begin the process of finding closure. One of the most frustrating situations we’ve experienced over the years as attorneys is when injured victims and families aren’t able to recover all of the funding they need and deserve upon obtaining a successful settlement due to factors they can’t control, such as inadequate policy coverage. The Missouri Victims’ Fund places control back in the hands of those who have suffered. Let us help you and your loved ones gain back that control.

To learn more about our firm and attorneys, we encourage you to read about our team, its successes, and what some of our past clients have had to say about us. If you have any questions about how we may be able to help, don’t hesitate to reach out.